Reasons to sell right now
From apartments to family homes, the average asking price of a property has risen to record levels around every region of the UK.
Whilst some people will choose to wait until the 2022 market has officially started, we have four reasons why it's the ideal time to ready your home for your new year sale right now.
Your home will be in front of a record number of potential buyers
The amount of people looking to relocate continues to outweigh the number of homes available for sale.
Furthermore, it's an immensely competitive market following the last year of intense activity and interest, with Rightmove and Zoopla reporting that they see the highest visitor numbers in the days after Christmas year-on-year.
You could get a better price for your home
Asking prices have hit record heights in 2021, so if it's been a few years since you last learned your home's value, you could see far more than you ever expected.
The budget for your next home might have changed
Depending on your property priorities, you might find that your dream home is within reach, as location is no longer the most desirable characteristic and demand levels are influencing price points on the market.
Favourable mortgage interest rates
Mortgage interest rates continue to stay low, and lenders remain eager to propose loans in the competitive market, helping you to secure your next move that much faster.
Find out your home’s true value with us today by booking your market valuation.