Stay informed with changes to the Right to Rent scheme
First introduced in 2016, right to rent checks have been a core part of the check in process for landlords and tenants.
What is the right to rent scheme?
Right to rent is a government policy, which requires landlords to check their tenants’ immigration status.
It also means they must refuse to let a property to anyone who can’t prove they have a right to rent.
What changes have been made?
Significant changes were made to right to rent checks in order to facilitate these over the course of the pandemic, such as with an online checking service and changes to accepted documents.
These digital processes are temporary measures only that are to be permitted until September, i.e. video checks or accepting scanned photos in lieu of in-person checks.
However, some concern has arisen due to the imminent deadlines for both the EU Settlement scheme and video checks, meaning some applications could be in limbo until further clarity is provided from the government.
For more guidance, please visit:
Or for advice regarding right to rent checks and our lettings packages, contact us today.