Can landlords meet the new guidelines on right to rent?
Whilst these would ordinarily have been conducted via face-to-face meetings, right-to-rent checks have temporarily been altered to make it easier and safer for landlords and tenants.
These checks can include:
– Video call checks only
– Tenants can send scanned copies of documentation via email or mobile rather than using originals
– Where unable to provide existing documents, landlords should use a checking service for prospective or existing tenants
Over this year, there have been speculations over whether landlords are able to meet new guidelines, especially in light of the fact that any new tenancies that started during the pandemic are now expected to be completed retrospectively.
So far, 'adjusted checks' have been performed, but this new expectation means all landlords will need to play catch up to fulfil retrospective checks within eight weeks of the COVID-19 measures ending – which may prove a very tight deadline.
Given the volume of checks this refers to, and the fact the backlog is growing daily, there are mounting concerns from industry bodies such as ARLA Propertymarket over landlords' ability to comply.
If you need help and support in preparation for the end of these measures, we can help.
Please get in touch for more information.