Government’s action plan to tackle EPCs – how will it affect landlords?
Government’s action plan to tackle EPCs – how will it affect landlords?
New long-term targets have been announced for improving energy efficiency standards within the rental sector; drawing criticism from industry specialists that the measures are simply not realistic.
In their proposal, the government state that by 2025, minimum Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) for all privately rented homes should be raised to Band C for new tenancies – applying to all tenancies by 2028.
This document goes on to outline penalties as high as £30,000 for landlords who fail to comply within this time frame and may even include banning the inclusion of properties with EPC ratings below C to be advertised on portals.
What outcomes are the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy looking to achieve with these new energy targets?
- Reduced bills for lower income households and vulnerable members of the community.
- Reduced energy bills and to guarantee higher standards of living for UK tenants.
- Contribute to government initiatives to de-carbonise buildings, thereby mitigating the effects of climate change.
- To improve the quality and value of landlords’ assets.
You can see the 48-page consultation brief here, with details on how to respond:
If you need help managing your compliance and responsibilities as a landlord, we offer a range of property management services that you may find beneficial.
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