Eat Out To Help Out - 50% Off Restaurant Bills This Month
Throughout this month, diners will be able to make the most of the Chancellor’s “eat out to help out” scheme whereby a 50% discount is available at participating restaurants. We look at what the vouchers can be used for and how to make the most of them this month.
As part of a series of measures to kick-start the economy and help businesses across the country, Rishi Sunak has introduced the “eat out to help out” scheme – what this essentially means is that people can get up to £10 off per head if they eat out from Monday to Wednesday. For a family of four with a food bill of £80, this would be reduced by half to just £40, using these vouchers.
There is no method needed in order to claim the vouchers as customers – it will be up to participating establishments to claim back the 50% discount from the government directly via an online portal. This is to reduce the risk of fraudulent vouchers and also for ease of use for diners themselves – you will just have to look out for participating restaurants.
What are the restrictions?
1. They can only be used on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
2. Alcoholic drinks are not included in the vouchers
3. They cannot be used for takeaway food – just eating in
4. There is a limit of up to £10 per person discount
5. It can be used on top of other discounts which an establishment may be running
6. Hot drinks like coffee are included, as long as they consumed on-site and not taken away