Electrical safety regulations to come into place for landlords
The first new landlord legislation of 2020 has been proposed, and relates to electrical safety checks. If you are a landlord of a property, then the proposed new regulations could affect you from 1st July this year.
Subject to parliamentary approval, from summer this year landlords will have to ensure electrical installations inspections and testing are carried out for all new tenancies, and for existing tenancies the regulations will be applicable from April next year.
In a bid to improve the safety of tenants across the United Kingdom, the Electrical Safety Standards will mean that electrics in properties should be safer and more uniform, with landlords required to produce copies of inspection reports to tenants, and the housing authority if requested.
David Cox, ARLA Propertymark Chief Executive, commented on the regulations; “We are supportive of this concept and believe it will create a level playing field for all agents and landlords as well as ensuring improved safety standards for tenants. Mandating inspecting and testing of every fixed electrical installation should have a limited impact on good professional landlords and agents in the market, many of whom already voluntarily undertake these inspections. We did raise concerns about the number of engineers available to undertake these reports by the April 2021 deadline but have received assurances from MHCLG this morning about capacity in the supply chain.”
If you are concerned about how the new regulations may affect your properties, don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to advise you.